Our key highlights in 2023:

21,000+ hours
of health and safety training delivered to employees globally

21% reduction
in LOC events
21% reduction in total number of Loss of Containment (LOC) events and 84% reduction in quantity lost

UK CIA health metrics
92% of sites achieved ‘Best Practice’
8% attained ‘Advanced’ ratings in specific areas

12% increase
in near miss reporting*
13,365 near misses reported in 2023
*Defined as a learning event that did not cause harm but had the potential to cause injury or loss. The more near misses reported and addressed, the lower the risk of a future accident or incident.

0.10 frequency rate
Innospec reportable lost time accident (IRLTA) frequency rate (below industry average of 0.15)

60-second checks completed

Journey To Zero Harm
826 training courses and 13,582 safety interactions completed by employees globally

2% decrease
in total accidents recorded
Our SHE Standards and Policy
We set high standards for process and occupational safety, which is managed by our network of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) professionals, who are responsible for maintaining high standards and implementing our SHE Policy.
SHE Objectives
We follow three core objectives:
ā¢ No one gets hurt
ā¢ We do not negatively impact our neighbours
ā¢ We aim to minimize our impact on the environment
SHE Leadership
Our RESPECT Committee oversees our global SHE policies, sets objectives, and monitors ongoing performance. The committee, led by our CEO, Patrick S. Williams, includes members of the Senior Leadership team and reports directly to our Board of Directors.

Safety performance
Each year we set a group safety objective and target of achieving zero fatalities or major work-related injury accidents to employees or third parties. We are pleased to report that in 2023 we met this target.

Employee Reportable Lost Time Accident Frequency Rate
Each year we also set a group safety target of achieving a zero Innospec employee reportable lost time accident (IRLTA) frequency rate but as a minimum acceptable standard, to continue to perform better than the industry average for the UK chemical sector. Unfortunately, in 2023, there were four employee IRLTAs. Our IRLTA frequency rate as a result of these accidents ended the year at 0.10 per 100,000 hours. While disappointing to have any lost time accidents this rate is below the UK chemical sector average of 0.15. measures have been put in place to prevent similar accidents from happening again.
External Recognition

Cigna Healthy Workforce Designation
Our US teams received a Cigna Healthy Workforce Designation 2023 Gold Level Award. This recognizes that senior leadership offers extensive support of employee well-being programs through organizational commitment. They have many programs/resources that support various dimensions of well-being in addition to health equity considerations that creates a supportive culture, and safe, healthy workspace.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
Ellesmere Port, UK received its seventh Order of Distinction Award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) for their excellent safety performance in 2023. The award acknowledges 22 consecutive years of achieving RoSPA Gold.
Internal Recognition

2023 corporate safety awards:
Gold award (US$5,000 donation to charity)
- 9 years without IRLTA: Pleasanton, TX (US)
Silver award (US$3,000 donation to charity)
- 3 years without IRLTA: Castiglione (Italy)
Bronze award (US$1,000 donation to charity)
- 1 year without IRLTA: Ellesmere Port (UK), High Point, NC (US), St Mihiel, (France)

2023 corporate safety certificates:
Gold certificate:
- 2 million employee-hours worked: Oklahoma City, OK (US)
- 1 million employee-hours worked: Ellesmere Port (UK)
Silver certificate:
- Ā½ million employee-hours worked: Leuna (Germany)
Explore more about health, safety & well-being at Innospec
Process Safety
We have worked diligently to develop and implement a robust process safety management system that controls our process hazards and minimizes the risk of process safety incidents.
Learn MoreOccupational Safety
We focus on understanding how the behaviour of individuals contributes to safety culture. Integrating years of experience, investigations and advice from external safety experts, enables us to have everything in place to provide the safest possible working environment.
Learn MoreJourney To Zero Harm
Our company-wide Journey To Zero Harm (JTZH) program is our key strategic tool to help reduce accident numbers by encouraging everyone to take responsibility for carrying out a personal safety risk assessment before starting an activity.
Learn MoreHealth and Well-being
Looking after the well-being of our employees is key to the success of our business. By providing ongoing support we can ensure we make the most of a personās experience, professionalism, problem-solving, dedication and creative skills at work.
Learn More