Increased Palm Supply Chain Transparency

No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE)

Increasing the transparency of our palm supply chain helps us to identify NDPE risks and prioritize actions in our supply chain. It also helps us to highlight any differences and potential opportunities for improvement between our commitments and those of our suppliers.

Palm transparency and risk mapping

In 2024, we have completed our sixth annual palm transparency and risk mapping exercise. Through working with our direct and indirect suppliers, we evaluated our 2023 palm volumes. Although the number of suppliers in the scope of the investigation increased, we were still able to maintain and increase our supply chain transparency, achieving transparency levels of 97% at refinery level, 97% at mill level and 69% at plantation level. We also updated our risk assessment at geographical level.

Overall, the transparency results achieved for 2023 palm volumes indicated a high level of transparency and are higher than the Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) Oleochemical manufacturer member averages of 96% at refinery level and 96% at mill level. We are committed to undertaking the analysis of our supply chain annually and will be engaging with our suppliers to work towards our target of full transparency at mill level.

Deforestation- and Conversion-Free (DCF) evaluation

Through our ASD membership, Innospec are participating in the development and application of an independent Deforestation Monitoring methodology. Using the open-source geo-platform Nusantara Atlas, the process involves mapping and monitoring of deforestation linked to palm production in our supply chain. Through the tool we are able to identify where, in our known sourcing areas, forests are still present or where they have been recently converted to palm. We can also monitor the evolution and resolution of environmental grievances linked to deforestation and conversion.

In 2023, ASD members developed and applied a robust methodology to assess deforestation linked to palm oil and to identify DCF volumes linked to our known supply chain. For 2023, 57% of our traceable palm volumes have been independently verified as DCF. We will repeat the assessment on our 2024 palm volumes. For more information on the Deforestation Monitoring Program and other ASD activities, please view the Annual Update on Progress report on the ASD website.

Innospec Inc Palm Oil Mill List

The public list of mills that are potentially connected to our palm oil and derivatives supply chain

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Innospec Inc Palm Refineries and Crushers List

The public list of refineries and crushers that are potentially connected to our palm oil and derivatives supply chain

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