Supporting Indigenous STEM Education in Latin America

At Innospec we are passionate about the power of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) to transform lives and help solve complex global challenges. Our Fuels Specialties business has partnered with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) to help increase the representation of indigenous students and researchers in STEM disciplines in higher education environments across Latin America.

Indigenous Students and Researchers in Latin America

Indigenous voices in Latin America have often been underrepresented in intellectual and policy discussions. The underrepresentation of indigenous students and researchers limits the diversity of perspectives in academia and policymaking, restricting access to opportunities that could enhance their contributions to sustainability in their communities and beyond.

A Vision for Collaboration

We understand the urgent need for initiatives where indigenous students and researchers are not just participants but recognized as co-creators of knowledge for a sustainable future. Their profound understanding of their territories and ecosystems, cultivated over generations, is an invaluable asset in the quest for sustainable solutions to environmental and social challenges. In response, our project aims to forge a model of engagement that goes beyond conventional boundaries, inviting indigenous people to share, learn, and innovate alongside their peers, educators, and researchers across various disciplines involved in sustainable development. We believe that true change in sustainability can only be achieved through a holistic approach that incorporates diverse knowledge systems.

Key objectives

To facilitate a mutual STEM learning environment where indigenous students and stakeholders in the higher education sustainability field collaboratively explore sustainability knowledges and practices from diverse world views.

To promote intercultural STEM training on holistic solutions for sustainability, reflecting the aspirations, experiences, expectations, environmental and world views of indigenous students in association with current developments in the higher education sustainability sector, especially in STEM related fields.

To foster continuous intercultural dialogue and solution transfer in STEM through multistakeholder approach, including but limited to among indigenous students, educational institutions, the broader scientific community, the public sector, and the private sector involved in sustainability research and implementation, promoting inclusivity, equity, interculturality and diversity in the pursuit of sustainability.

Project Timeline

March 2024

Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRES+5)

Indigenous students expressed their desire to participate in STEM-related fields as equals, particularly in traditional universities where historically indigenous knowledge and perspectives have been overlooked.

September 2024

United Nations Summit of the Future Action Days Official Off-Site Side Event

On Friday 20th September, we hosted an official signing ceremony and panelist discussion at the UN Summit of the Future in New York, involving representatives from all key project stakeholder groups.

October 2024

Project kicks off with baseline assessment

An initial baseline assessment to assess current knowledge, expectations, and perspectives of indigenous people and other stakeholders in the sustainability field. This will include the analysis of existing research, a survey among indigenous students and researchers, and interviews with a diverse range of higher education stakeholders.

March 2025

Intercultural STEM curriculum for sustainability

The development of a co-designed intercultural STEM training program that integrates holistic sustainability solutions, drawing upon both indigenous wisdom and higher education sustainability practices.

August 2025

Online forum to create continued learning opportunities

The creation of a sustainable, dynamic mechanism for ongoing intercultural dialogue among indigenous students and researchers, educational institutions, and the broader scientific community.

Learn more about UNESCO IESALC’s work in higher education in Latin America

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) is the specialized institute of the United Nations system with the mission to contribute to the improvement of higher education in member states. From research, capacity building, technical cooperation, and concerted advocacy, four major work programs contribute to fulfil its mission.
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