Energy Use & Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We recognize that businesses like ours have an important contribution to make towards reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change impacts. Our total absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and our total reported intensity scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per metric tonne of product have decreased by 46% since 2006. In 2022, we delivered a range of activities and investments to further improve our energy efficiency and reduce our GHG emissions.


2022 Performance

2022 saw increased customer demand for products made at sites that have a higher energy usage, meaning that our scope 1 GHG emissions rose by 1,449 tonnes. Our absolute scope 2 GHG emissions rose by 4,805 tonnes and our intensity scope 2 GHG emissions per metric tonne of product rose by 8.65 kg, when compared to 2021. This increase was primarily due to a decision to invest money into internal energy reduction projects, rather than purchasing Guarantees of Origin from our energy provider at one of our manufacturing facilities.

Without this change in approach, which we expect to have a better long-term impact on energy and GHG reduction, our reported absolute scope 2 GHG emissions would have decreased by 10% and our reported intensity scope 2 GHG emissions per metric tonne of product by 11%.

Energy Intensity of Production

In 2022, the energy intensity of production (GJ consumption per metric tonne of product) increased slightly by 0.38% from 2.79 GJ per metric tonne of product produced in 2021 to 2.8 GJ per metric tonne of product produced. Since 2006 there has been a 5% decrease. Following our 2020 objective to procure renewable electricity at our manufacturing sites, in 2022 all but one of our 13 manufacturing facilities procured 100% renewable electricity. The outlier facility is located on an industrial complex which does not offer renewable electricity contracts. Renewable energy now accounts for 20% of our total energy mix.
  • Energy Use
  • Absolute GHG Emissions
  • GHG Emissions

Resource Reduction Group

Our global Resource Reduction Group is responsible for maintaining a pipeline of energy, water and waste reduction projects and the sharing of ideas and best practice across the sites. This includes capital investment projects and local initiatives.

To achieve our interim objective of a 10% reduction in scope 1 emissions, by the end of 2030 based on a 2020 baseline, we have a dedicated energy reduction fund available for capital investment projects that support energy reduction where the payback period is longer than would normally be required.

Reducing Our Emissions

The energy reduction projects and activities implemented in 2022 are forecast to reduce our annual energy consumption by over 4,944 MWh and reduce our total group scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 547 and 130 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent, respectively.

Activities introduced in 2022 to further improve our energy efficiency and reduce our GHG emissions included:
  • St Mihiel, France
  • Vernon, France
  • Leuna, Germany
  • Castiglione, Italy

St Mihiel, France

The upgrading of three GRP tanks at our St Mihiel site, with more efficient, greater insulated stainless steel tanks, will provide annual savings of 420 MWh of gas. Additionally, the site optimized its procedures by recovering heat from waste steam condensate and repurposing it to preheat the makeup water for boilers. This is expected to save 250 MWh of gas annually.

Vernon, France

The full renovation of the admin building roof and installation of improved insulation at our Vernon site will save 20,164 kWh of gas per year.

Leuna, Germany

Our Leuna site upgraded its production building lighting system with LED replacements resulting in an annual saving of 21,810 kWh of electricity.

Castigliogne, Italy

To reduce gas consumption at our Castiglione site, the aging boiler gas burners were replaced with more efficient units saving 2,424 MWh of gas annually. To further reduce emissions, the site crane was replaced with an electric vehicle and the replacement of existing air compressors, with an improved set up, led to enhanced optimization and reduced consumption, saving 36,000 kWh of electricity annually.

  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Oklahoma, USA
  • Salisbury, NC, USA
  • Ellesmere Port, UK

Barcelona, Spain

The replacement and upgrade to the aging insulation in the steam and condensate system at our Barcelona site will provide savings of 514 MWh of gas annually. The replacement of a cooling water pump with a more efficient unit is expected to save 61,826 kWh of electricity annually.

Oklahoma, US

Our Oklahoma, US site continued its program of enhancing the efficiency of the lighting on site by installing LED lighting in the warehouse and office, which is expected to save 41,007 kWh of electricity each year.

Salisbury, NC, USA

The site installed a new flaker return water precooling system, helping to reduce the energy needed to cool water on a key solid surfactant processing line and providing electricity savings of 89,647 kWh per year.

Ellesmere Port, UK

The site installed a new small solar and wind power energy station which generates power for charging electric vehicles on site. They also installed a new, more efficient, glycol chiller system that is expected to provide annual electricity savings of 631 MWh.

Construction began on a new Energy Center to replace the existing site boilers, including a more efficient 4MWe (megawatt electric) combined heat and power plant. This will generate electricity for the site, steam for process operations and hot water for space heating. The plant has been designed so it can be converted to operate on an intermediary 20% hydrogen blend and 100% low-carbon hydrogen, as soon as this becomes available.

The manufacturing site installed a new cooling water variable speed distribution (VSD) pump, leading to annual electricity savings of 602 MWh.